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Organize volunteers to enter the vehicle enterprises to publicize consumer rights protection knowledge
Source: | Author:Anna Qu | Publish Date :2022-10-28 | 647 Times Viewed: | Share:
Organize volunteers to enter the vehicle enterprises to publicize consumer rights protection knowledge

Recently, the Consumer Protection Commission of Zhejiang Province and the Consumer Protection Commission of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province organized consumer rights protection volunteers to enter the Guangzhou Toyota Hangzhou Hubin Yintai New Energy Sales Experience Center to carry out consumer rights protection knowledge publicity activities for in store consumers.

On the day of the activity, the consumer rights volunteers told the store consumers about the automobile service survey released by Zhejiang Provincial Consumer Protection Commission in 2021. Among the complaints about the quality of new energy vehicles, there were many complaints about motor batteries, body, body accessories and electrical appliances, abnormal noises and engines. In the category of automobile service complaints, there are many complaints about deposits and deposits, maintenance services, contracts and agreements, financial loans and bundled consumption. The volunteers vividly explained the matters that consumers should pay attention to when buying cars through real cases encountered in their work, especially the payment of deposit before sales, signing of purchase contracts and after-sales maintenance links.

Small faults of cars and how to properly maintain cars so as to extend the service life of cars are issues of concern to consumers. Volunteers and staff in the store led consumers to watch the new car introduction video and consumption education short video made by the car company. Consumers all said that the short videos of popular science of new cars played circularly in the store would enable them to quickly get familiar with the performance and advantages of the new model, have a certain judgment on the model, and avoid blindly following the sales introduction. Playing short videos of automobile consumption education in stores can popularize automobile knowledge to many consumers in a short time, and improve consumers' awareness and ability to protect their rights to a certain extent.

Consumers and volunteers watch short videos in the store. Information picture Consumers and volunteers watch short videos in the store. Information picture

According to the person in charge of the car company, five short videos were shot this year, including the new "San Bao", car maintenance and other contents. Consumers entering the store will be guided to the viewing area by sales to enhance their understanding of car consumption. The reporter learned that videos like this can be viewed in some 4S stores of Zhejiang GAC Toyota.

Automobile consumption complaints, as a hot issue of complaints accepted by Zhejiang Provincial Consumer Protection Commission, are widely concerned by consumers. Zhejiang Provincial Consumer Protection Commission and Hangzhou Municipal Consumer Protection Commission organized volunteers to enter the automobile enterprises, aiming to improve the construction of assured consumption in Zhejiang, strengthen consumers' awareness and level of automobile rights protection, further guide operators' self-discipline, strengthen operators' service level, fully respect and protect consumers' legitimate rights and interests, and effectively promote the brand of assured consumption in Zhejiang. According to the introduction, next, with the completion of the revision of the Measures for the Implementation of the Consumer Protection Law in Zhejiang Province, the Zhejiang Provincial Consumer Protection Commission will further organize volunteers to enter relevant industries to explain consumer protection knowledge, promote the popularization of the Consumer Protection Law, and further enhance the consciousness of enterprises to operate in compliance with the law.