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Don't worry about getting on the road after buying a new car. Add these car accessories as soon as possible to improve travel comfort
Source: | Author:Anna Qu | Publish Date :2023-03-21 | 388 Times Viewed: | Share:
Don't worry about getting on the road after buying a new car. Add these car accessories as soon as possible to improve travel comfort

It's a great pleasure to buy a new car home. I believe many friends will add some practical accessories when they buy a new car. Compared to some automotive accessories and decorations, some automotive products are not only practical, but also bring great help to our driving safety. Today, I would like to recommend a few car items that can improve travel comfort.

1. Rear collision prevention antenna

Sometimes when we walk on the street, we will see a "small tail" sticking up from the top of the car, which is called the anti explosion flash light. When the light is poor at night, it can emit multicolor light that constantly flashes, in order to prompt the rear car. With it, the occurrence of rear collision can be avoided.

People are sensitive to flashing lights, so installing this rear-end collision prevention antenna on the roof of a loved car can help drivers in the rear detect it as soon as possible, thereby achieving the effect of preventing rear-end collision.

2. Automobile inflation pump

Among car accessories, the tires are the ones that wear out the fastest and affect driving safety the most. Therefore, novice car owners must regularly check and timely supplement the tire pressure. This four-in-one air pump, with its powerful power, can quickly help your car fill up with air. At the same time, it can also be used as a vacuum cleaner when cleaning the car compartment, which is convenient and practical, making your driving more secure.

3. Car floor mats

Although, when buying a car, many dealers will give away some floor mats or other small items.

However, the reality is that many car cushions actually do not fit their own model. Either large or small, it is difficult to fit in shape. In addition, ordinary materials are not very good.

"If you make do with it, it will not only have a poor sense of use, but may also pose potential safety hazards.".

In the past, the floor mats in our house were not suitable. After using them for a period of time, they were always picked up by their feet, making it difficult to apply the brakes. I didn't hesitate to change to a better one.

When choosing floor mats, we try to choose environmentally friendly, special vehicle specific, and relatively high temperature resistant ones. This greatly improves security.


How many people have had an accident while driving, with some words unclear, and were finally rescued by a tachograph?

In fact, the tachograph is the most important thing in everything. Because there are inevitable bumps and bumps when driving, even with good technology, it is inevitable.

Once a problem occurs, the records in the tachograph are an important reference when determining responsibility.

Without this evidence, it would probably be unreasonable and unclear. When the responsibility is unclear, you may suffer significant losses.

5. Vehicle mounted vacuum cleaner

Before using a car mounted vacuum cleaner, I thought this type of product was just a chicken rib. Why? "I don't think these products with such a small volume can really absorb dust like high-power vacuum cleaners in the car wash room, so a solid state vacuum cleaner delivered by ECT was thrown into the corner to absorb dust.". It looks like this:

Today, I recommend this portable vacuum cleaner for use in vehicles.

I used to clean my car using the old vacuum cleaner at home. Although it can also be held by hand, it's really a bit big. It takes up space in the trunk, making it inconvenient to use at home, and some gaps can't be cleaned. Later, I simply abandoned these high-tech technologies and switched to manual cleaning mode, holding my small broom, left brushing, and right sweeping. There are no major problems on the surface, but the subtle points are still not! Do it! Such as! Italy!

"But if you say that the exterior of your car is still shiny and beautiful, even if there is a little dust in the interior, it is not very worthwhile to spend money on washing the car, and you can solve the problem yourself. Why bother others?"